Friday, March 10, 2006

Treasure Life

Just received sms from San Yew that Teoh Hang Weng, one of my 'political' activity mates in university has passed away. I was a bit shocked actually. Although we have not contacted each other since graduation from university, and we had some arguments during university time, but loss of life at the age of 32 is still something I can't apprehend.

I first faced, and awared with the issue of death at about year of 1997 or 1998. That time, Fu Niang (direct vocal translation) passed away, due to (I heard) high fever. I always met her in the library. She is a very outstanding girl. You can imagine, at that point of time, she was the secretary of the University of Malaya's Chinese Language Society. Well, from that day onwards, she nowhere to be found. I feel like a loss of something.

Then came the passed away of Tian Yu (again, direct vocal translation). I not so close with him, but he was then the boyfriend of my only good friend in Second College at the time, Shiow Miin. He died because of an accident. Shiow Miin (I heard, again) cried for a few days at University of Malaya's Varsity Lake.

Anyway, Hang Weng is helping a Chinese primary school in legal matter, so his news was shown on newspaper. Here's the excerpt:

ChinaPress (9 March 2006)
(檳城9日訊)新中華小校方律師團的成員之一趙漢榮律師,今早不幸心臟病猝發逝世。32歲的趙漢榮,未婚,生前已有1名親密的女朋友。他是於今早上午8時許在其位於高淵的住家突感不適,被其父趙國民送往爪夷縣醫院不久后身亡。據瞭解,趙漢榮在送院途中已陷入昏迷,死因是心臟血管阻塞。其父親趙國民為1名小販,趙漢榮是家中長子,有一弟一妹。死者趙漢榮是於1999年畢業於馬來亞大學法律系,曾當選1996/97年馬大學生代表,生前為北海C/O MESSRS WONG-CHOOI& MOHD.NOR律師樓的執業律師,同時也非常積極參與政治,是民政黨黨員。隨著新中華小事件爆發后,他也是校方律師團的成員之一,過去幾個月來,一直在為新中小學的訴訟案奔波。
Sin Chew Daily (9 March 2006)

拆校官司未了新中律師趙漢榮病逝updated:2006-03-09 20:24:28 MYT(北海訊)在威北新中學校的拆校官司尚未完結之際,校方律師團的4位代表律師之一的趙漢榮,不幸的在週四(9日)早上9時左右因心臟病發作而逝世。据知,現年才32歲的趙漢榮(未婚)在週四早上8時許原本要到法庭時,突然覺得不舒服,致電給家人要求送他到醫院治療。豈知在送到威南雙溪峇甲的政府醫院後,即因心臟病而不治身亡。趙漢榮是威南人,在大山腳日新國中畢業後,就在馬來亞大學法律系肄業,生前是民政黨法律局的委員,並在去年當新中學校被發展商手持庭令拆除兩次不果後,就毅然與謝隆泰、許文思及馮繼宗四人組成律師團,接手新中學校的拆校官司。据新中學校律師團代表之一的許文思受詢時指出,趙漢榮是他的學弟,為人活潑、熱心、開朗及樂於助人。在大學時期,趙漢榮已是個很活躍的學生領袖,曾擔任過馬大華裔生代表。他表示在接獲噩耗時實在很難相信趙漢榮已經真的逝世了,並表示時常都有和漢榮保持聯絡,雖然他住在檳島而漢榮則在威南,但是只要有時間,他們都會相聚在一起喝茶聊天。他表示漢榮平時都有做運動和打羽毛球,而朋友和其家人都不知道他有心臟病。義務為新中打官司校方對漢榮逝世表哀悼威北新中學校董事長黃旭寬對趙漢榮的英年早逝深表惋惜,並表示死者是一名年輕和積極的律師,在新中事件上給予很大的幫忙,而且都是義務性質,不收費。他說,在去年當發展商前往新中學校拆校的時候,就是趙漢榮負責駕車,載著他和許文思從北海法庭趕到檳城高庭去申請庭令,才來得及阻止發展商進一步拆除校舍。他說,趙漢榮為人很隨和又積極,每次新中事件開庭時,都會出席給予協助及咨詢,並會和董事部及相關單位共同商討對策。他表示新中學校董事和校長等人,將會到死者府上憑吊。
Anyway, I found this website while searching for Hang Weng name - Halaman Web Kelab PENA which dated back from year 2000! It obviously is a political website from the so called 'green' side of University of Malaya Malay students. I am quite surprise with the commitment and advancement of them. If I should then spent more time, then the university life will be more fruitful.

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